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#MeToo unveils the monsters of men

Writer's picture: Mario MartinezMario Martinez

The Me Too movement went internationally viral in social media following several sexual-abuse allegations against famous Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein in October 2017. That was the spark starting the fire against sexual abuse and harassment behaviour from both men and women alike. Kevin Spacey was among the many celebrities affected by this movement when Anthony Rapp told a popular news channel that he was sexually assaulted by the famous actor when he was 14. Many more people followed coming with more allegations of this kind against other molesters and day after day new cases arise.

The Me Too movement provoked a huge crowd-earthquake among all of us for it gave courage to those who suffered from some kind of abuse or bullying, either physical and psychological, to stand up and shout their awful experience to the world, mostly using social media as a bullhorn. It's a shame for the human race that we had to wait till 2017 for that to happen.

Despite being a unisex movement, #MeToo has been related more closely to women thus feminism was immediately released from the chains of sexism that civilization put upon from the very beginning of our existence. Personally I think that's fantastic. Not any women nor living thing should be repressed against its nature as we all deserve to live in harmony together, sharing the same world in peace and respect with one another. I completely support the Me Too movement for I think it gives voice to the voiceless, strength to the weak and confidence to those lacking self-esteem. All those people suffered in some way during their life because there was a moment in the past where somebody was making them feel naked from inside out. I'm glad that now we all have the freedom to speak the truth and the power to right the wrongs. That been said, do we need to know all the details about every single person in the world that has been abused in some way? After the Me Too movement went viral, there was a 'boom'. It came the new fashion to report all kind of abuse. Do we need to know that someone was rapped by an uncle twenty years ago or that another person was abused by their best friend or even that our favourite action actor suffered from bullying when he was a teenager? I mean, what's going on here? Do you think bullying at school was invented recently? Everybody has suffered from some kind of bullying during their life, it's nothing new, it has been always there. Your parents suffered it, your grandparents suffered it as well and so on. The only difference is that before people didn't make so much noise. The internet, social media, tv channels, newspapers, apps,... There are so many people out there willing to listen to your complaints so they have something to talk about. I support the people that feel weak against the abusers but I don't think is right to let the world know about it.

This reminds me very much to the gay movement. I love the idea of free speech, free expression and all sorts of freedom as long as nobody is getting hurt and the respect for others prevails. But why the hell gay people are so noisy? I'm happy that they finally feel free to be comfortable with their deepest sexual feelings and all that but, is it necessary to be shouting like crazy 'I'M GAY' just for the sake of it? Do you think the rest of the world population cares if you are gay or not? Why is there a Gay Pride day as a symbol of freedom celebration? Don't heterosexuals deserve a pride day as well?

Inner liberation and love for yourself has to be something private, something very personal. Seems to me that nowadays privacy is a concept almost forgotten and that's something I don't like. In the end, that's one of the things that helps us stand out from the animals; we have the power to choose between intimacy and exposure. We don't have to fuck in front of others like monkeys do.

Now, I would like to talk about that strong feminism movement we can all feel today as we are missing a very interesting debate here. Thanks to the Me Too movement, pretty much any kind of action between men and women is been surveilled under a magnifying glass. Today as a man, if I do as little as staring into a woman for more than 3 seconds I can be accused of being a pervert. And I'm talking about staring at her eyes, not at her ass or anywhere else. So in this world of 'freedom', we have created, how can we flirt with each other nicely and harmlessly? Oh wait, I got it! I could always write a small note saying something like this: 'I like your eyes and your pretty hair'. Along with a corny red heart will look lovely. I just need to put the note inside her notebook while she's looking away and it's done. At least, that's how I did back in my school days and it worked just fine.

I would like to ask women something: what do you use make up for (in case you use it)? Or just the same: why do you like to look pretty in front of the mirror? Is that for making you feel prettier to others or yourself? Maybe a bit of both? Ok, one more: how would you feel if a man wolf-whistles you while walking on the street? Would you feel intimidated, harassed, offended, flattered, exalted, ashamed, angry,...?

In my modest opinion, as long as it's done with respect and delicacy, we need this kind of interaction between each other. And let's don't forget a very important thing here, a woman doesn't need to be a feminist the same way a man won't always be a male chauvinist.

Today, the line between being nice and being a pervert seems thinner than ever. So men need to be very careful when thinking of approaching a woman anywhere out there. Unfortunately, the fear of been reported for misconduct will always be stronger than the will of flirting with someone you like. Or maybe not?

Global population it's at stake so if all of us put a bit of common sense, we will find the way of meeting new people, procreate and love each other until death do us part, which is how we have done it for the last several thousand years.

Please, put the bloody Instagram away and move your ass to the outside world, start smiling and winking like crazy so you can meet another human being in the flesh. But never said I told you to do so. I will deny everything, ;-p

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